Frequently Asked Questions
Where are golf cars street-legal?
The communities of Englewood, Littleton, Niwot, Erie, Commerce City, Denver, Stapleton, and Lyons have specific regulations to make golf carts street-legal.
Learn more about Colorado Golf Car laws here.
What is the difference between an LSV/NEV and a street-legal golf cart?
LSV stands for Low Speed Vehicles, NEV stands for Neighborhood Electric Vehicle. The two acronyms are interchangeable. LSV’s are licensed by the state, and must have the capability of traveling 25 mph, DOT rated tires, seat belts, windshield, and turn signals.
The requirements to make a golf cart street-legal are determined by your local community. Typically, these vehicles are not licensed by the state but do have seat belts, windshields, turn signals, and can travel up to 20 mph. Both options, LSV and street-legal golf cart, are terrific ways to travel around your neighborhood. Call us to learn more about your golf cart options.
Learn more about LSV vs NEV golf cars here!
Does my neighborhood or golf club have special requirements?
Each city, community, or golf club has different specification requirements that your golf cart must meet. In any case, we work with these communities and clubs on a daily basis; Colorado Golf & Turf, Inc is your local golf cart experts and will be happy to answer any questions.
Gas vs. electric golf cart?
There are pros and cons to owning a gas golf cart and an electric golf cart, so which do you choose? Check out this blog post talking about the differences and similarities between them to help you decide which one fits your lifestyle better.
What is important to me? Features? Budget? Service?
We can customize a golf car with features to fit your needs. The most common accessories are rear seats, lights, windshields, extended canopy tops, upgraded wheels, and lift kits.
Click here to read more about how to select the right golf car for you!
If you already own a golf car but want a facelift, here are some things we recommend upgrading to get the most bang for your buck.
Should I buy a golf cart if I don’t golf?
Golf cars are versatile vehicles which are great for families, businesses, and more, especially because they are street-legal in many places. Click here to see the many reasons why you should consider a golf car over any other small, motorized vehicle.
How do I maintain my deep cycle battery?
All steps of battery maintenance are critical and none of them should be over looked. One of the simplest choices to make is using distilled water to fill your batteries. Click here to learn how to do this!
How do I prepare my golf cart for summer?
There are many things you can do to take care of your golf car, such as getting annual service check-ups (which we recommend). But in the summer, you are likely going to be using it more often, and when you are away traveling, it is important to know how to store it correctly. So, click here to read about how to maintain your golf car’s performance and longevity in the summer season!
How do I winterize my lithium-ion golf cart?
Battery maintenance is extremely important as it will help with the longevity and performance of your golf car. So check out these steps we’ve listed here.
Long-term Storage and Care
City Ordinances